Weekly journal#3

This is a basically a report about this week. I got an new assignment which is to write a memo as a team. I was assigned the role Topic supervisor, I believe that I did fine at my role. I provided a schedule sheet for my team, and I check their work every night by sending message. The resource director is very passionate, and the submission manager is very responsible. We submit the work yesterday, so far we are not behind the assignment according to the sheet.

This is a complain. I just got 0 points out of 10 for my CSC 103 assignment which I think it is very unfair. The professor add an assignment which is to let us change her code to make the output from descending to ascending order, which everybody just needs to change one sign, but this way 95% students will not learn from the assignment. I want to be responsible to myself, and that is why I watched her entire video to understand what is insertion sort, so that one day I can write the code on my own. Then I submitted the code which is very similar to her code, the code is clean and readable. Considering her as my reader, she would tell that I was learning and studying. However, just because the code is not exactly the same as her code, it was considered “wrong”. I was very frustrated and told a friend of mine about this. My friend told me that this is how colleges are like, so we should accept the way it is. Lu xun said, “Is it right just it has always been like that?” Save the students… Thank you for being responsible to check my work, respect…

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